Foto: H.S.
09.01.2020 - von Dr. Sarah Russell
Eine umfangreiche Studie über die Bedingungen, die dazu führen, ob es älteren AustralierInnen mit ambulanter Unterstützung zu Hause gut oder schlecht ergeht, hat Dr. Sarah Russell mit finanzieller Unterstützung durch das australische Commonwealth Department of Health durchgeführt. "... Significant changes have been made to the way in-home support for older people is delivered in Australia. The Australian Government via the Commonwealth Department of Health funded Dr Russell to investigate the impact of these changes from the ‘consumer’ perspective. Dr Russell partnered with Peninsula Health to undertake this research. Involving ‘consumers’ in an investigation of the way aged care services are delivered is recommended as a means of improving the quality of these services. In a system where the perspectives of government, bureaucrats, providers and professional groups dominate policy and practice, it is helpful to read the views and experiences of recipients of in-home care. Forty older people and/or their support person described what is working well with in-home care – both the Commonwealth Home Support Programme and home care packages. They also described what is not working well. Participants made practical suggestions to improve in-home care. ...
These systemic problems are discussed under the following headings:
•Unable to access reliable information
•High fees
•Unclear financial statements
•No benchmark for costs (e.g. hourly rates)
•Lack of audits
•Poor quality of some services
•Poor communication
•Staffing issues
•Inadequate training
•Insufficient numbers of staff
•High turnover of case managers and support workers
•Ineffective complaints system
•Policy of full cost recovery"
Sarah Russell PhD, Older people living well with in-home support. Research report, March 2019 Download agematters: Link
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