Niederlande - 09.12.2005 - von Dorinde Brands
Dear Madam, Sir,
I am pleased to send you the report of the AGE+ closing conference, which was held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on
September 22-23 2005. The conference was a great succes, stimulating and inspiring with women from all over Europe.
The AGE+ magazine can be downloaded or you can order
a hard-copy at The research reports on the socio-economic position of older migrant women in Europe are available on the website.
The presentations held at the conference are also downloadable from the project's website:
For more information please contact NPOE, at +31(0)30 273 61 33 or
Weitere Artikel, nach dem Datum ihres Erscheinens geordnet, zum Thema
01.12.2005: Aktive Sterbehilfe bei Neugeborenen erlaubt
28.11.2005: Tagungsdoku: Business Case for Diversity
23.11.2005: Age+Gender+Ethnicity
Alle Artikel zum Thema