Gender und Flucht: Welche Bedeutung hat das Geschlecht für die Fluchterfahrung?
16. Februar 2024 | 09:00 - 18:00
Organisator: Friedrich Schiller-Universität Jena | Institut für Philosophie
Veranstaltungsort: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
The scientific conference takes place on February, 16, 2024, at Friedrich Schiller University Jena. We invite the researchers of all levels and disciplines to submit their contributions to the topic of gender problematics within the phenomenon of refugee experience.
The dominant majority of Ukrainian refugees in Germany are women with children, while the men between 18 and 60 are not allowed to leave the country. Whereas in the experience of earlier refugee wave of 2015 the gender problematics has been investigated under the perspective of unequal rights, for Ukrainians it means forced single motherhood, compatibility of language learning, job search and parenting, long-term distance partnership. The problematics of female lives and motherhood shall be placed in the center of discussion to define the relevant dimensions of action. How do women experience war? What do single refugee mothers need in their new home? How the offers can be best organized to fit their lives? What are the perspectives after the war?
Our prior intention is to address these questions within the recent research on Ukrainian refugees in Germany. The relevant studies of earlier refugee waves are either welcome.
For further information, please contact Dr. Uliana Proskunina at uliana.proskunina(at)uni-jena.de.
We are looking forward to your contributions!
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