Gemeinsame Presseerklärung im HotSpot in Lampedusa
„In less than a week, some 5,000 people have arrived. It is hard to imagine what it is like to stand at the Favaloro pier and not have room to walk, or to see the Coast Guard patrol boat shuttling back and forth, having to maneuver carefully to make room for parallel rescue operations by two patrol boats from the Guardia di Finanza, as well as the Swedish Frontex and Carabinieri patrol boats. And it is even harder to imagine what it might feel like to be confined with another 3,200 people inside the contrada Imbriacola hotspot, which is built to host 389. On Saturday night, a woman died inside the hotspot. She is not the first one, in last months. What is not hard to imagine, is that the conditions in which she was forced to survive contributed to her death. The ritual farewell – the body wrapped in white sheets – does not bring justice for her death, or for that of another person, whose lifeless body arrived last night on board of one of the last Coast Guard rescue ship.“
Full text here: Link
Offener Brief von Seenotrettungsorganisationen an den neuen Frontex-Direktor: „First act of the new director needs to be the termination of Frontex operations in the Central Mediterranean Sea“
As of yesterday, you are the new Executive Director of Frontex.
Your agency has been involved in the countless scandals, entailing the attempts to hide the agency‘s involvement in the innumerable violations of the human rights of the people on the move. These scandals range from the involvement in the pushbacks in the Aegean,[1] and exchanging Whatsapp messages with the so-called Libyan Coast Guard,[2] to manipulating internal reports on human rights violations and lying at least 11 times to the European Parliament.[3]
On the 19th of January 2023, you declared, during a press conference, that you are “not the type of director who builds a fence around Frontex“, but that you rather “want to open the doors“, and that “NGOs were more than welcome to give their information to us“.[4]
Furthermore, you claimed that “we are going to restore trust by being very transparent about what we are doing and how we are doing it. We are going to do our jobs in accordance with the law and in accordance with what member states want. There should be absolutely nothing to hide“. [5]
We, civil organizations engaged in the Search and Rescue (SAR) activities, seize this opportunity to ask you to live up to your promises. We thus demand replies to the following questions…“
Full text and demands here:
Weitere Artikel, nach dem Datum ihres Erscheinens geordnet, zum Thema
23.01.2025: Köln: Protest gegen den Soldatengottesdienst auf der Domplatte
23.01.2025: Online: Metallvernetzung
25.01.2025: Köln: Köln stellt sich quer
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