24.04.2024 - von Generations united
Intergenerational Solutions to Combatting Ageism Across the Lifespan
Join Generations United for our webinar on April 24, 2024 from 2:00 - 3:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Ageism is detrimental to our health and well-being and costs billions. Intergenerational initiatives that promote engagement and intentionally focus on developing authentic relationships between people of different ages offer great promise for addressing ageism. People of all ages report feelings of happiness, belonging, purpose, and well-being after participating in intergenerational activities.
During this 1-hour webinar, we will learn more about the World Health Organizations Global Campaign to Combat Ageism and their guide Connecting Generations: Planning and Implementing Interventions for Intergenerational Contact. We will hear from a panel of experts sharing how intergenerational initiatives are working to combat ageism. Join us to celebrate the kickoff of Global Intergenerational Week (April 24-30).
Register Today Link
Donna Butts, Generations United
Stephanie de Chassy, MBA, HelpAge International and World Health Organization
Jeremy Holloway, PhD, University of North Dakota and Tellegacy
Marlane Krasovitsky, PhD, World Health Organizations Global Campaign to Combat Ageism
Alexander Santiago-Jirau, MA, New York Theatre Workshop
Cliff Whetung, PhD, New York University
This webinar will be recorded and shared with everyone who registers for this event.
Intergenerational Solutions to Combatting Ageism Across the Lifespan
Join Upcoming launch of WHOs service package for long-term care for universal health coverage
DATE: 8 May 2024 (Wednesday)
TIME: 14:00 – 15:30 CEST
Many of us are likely to require support to care for ourselves at some point in our lives. But accessible and affordable access to good quality long-term care remains uneven across the world.
To support governments, policymakers, health and long-term care organizations, regulatory bodies, and care managers develop equitable and sustainable long-term care services, WHO is launchingLong-term care for older people: package for universal health coverage.
The publication is aimed at providing guidance towards the integration of long-term care into universal health coverage, and is a contribution to the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing.
More information and register
Learn more about long-term carefor our webinar on April 24, 2024 from 2:00 - 3:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM in Germany also 20.00 -21.00 Uhr
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