Europäische Union - 04.06.2008 - von
Call for tender VT/2008/003 - Mapping Study on the Trade Unions practices in fighting discrimination & promoting diversity
The purpose of this study is to identify significant/innovative initiatives taken by trade unions to combat discrimination at the workplace on the grounds of race and ethnic origin, religion or belief, age, disability, sexual orientation, and/or to promote diversity in the working environment across the 27 Member States, as well as the EFTA/EEA and candidate countries. It should also help in suggesting how best practices can be made more visible and used, and how the Commission can better support the awareness of trade unions' activities in that field.
Call for tender VT/2008/007 - Establishment of a Network of socio-economic experts in the anti-discrimination field
The purpose of this contract is to establish and maintain a network of socio-economic experts in the field of discrimination on the grounds of race and ethnic origin, religion or belief, age, disability, sexual orientation as well as on multiple grounds. The network shall provide the Commission with independent expertise and advice.
Weitere Artikel, nach dem Datum ihres Erscheinens geordnet, zum Thema
04.06.2008: Rentendiskriminierungen in Österreich
20.05.2008: EU-Parlament für neue Antidiskriminierungsrichtlinie - Blockade von Schwarz/Rot erfolglos?
18.05.2008: Rights of older people
Alle Artikel zum Thema