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Piloten + Fluglotsen in USA: Höhere Altersgrenze

USA - 18.08.2008 - von .faa.gov

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Administrator Marion C. Blakey announced that the FAA will propose to raise the 'mandatory retirement age' for U.S. commercial pilots from 60 to 65.
Speaking before pilots and aviation experts at the National Press Club, Blakey said that the agency plans to propose adopting the new International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standard that allows one pilot to be up to age 65 provided the other pilot is under age 60.

By federal law, 56 is the mandatory retirement age for the nation's air traffic controllers.
There is a mandatory retirement age of 56 for controllers who manage air traffic. However, Federal law provides for exemptions to the mandatory age of 56, up to age 61, for controllers having exceptional skills and experience.

Link: http://www.altersdiskriminierung.de/themen/artikel.php?id=1890
Quelle: .faa.gov