Fotto: H.S.
Innovation@Home is collecting examples of housing initiatives that foster healthy and active ageing. Age-friendly housing enables older people’s basic needs to be met so that they can continue to learn and grow, stay mobile, build and maintain relationships, and contribute to their community. Competition entrants will also help to increase the number and diversity of housing-related practices available on the Age-friendly World website.
Winners will receive free travel to the October 2018 International Technical Meeting on Ageing at Home in Quebec, Canada, where they will receive a formal award. Winning programmes will also be publicized broadly through GIA and WHO networks and publications.
Innovation@Home is a competition and a call for age-friendly housing practices to inspire action around the world. This initiative is a collaboration between the WHO and Grantmakers in Aging (GIA).
Submit your age friendly practices: Link The submission deadline is 4 April 2018.
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