01.11.2020 - von ifa
Niagara Falls, Canada | 1 - 3 November, 2020
Conference Pricing
Current IFA Member.Must provide membership ID number at time of registration $450USD
General and Non-Member From 1 January, 2020 – 23 October, 2020. $650 USD
Late and On-Site Registration 24 October, 2020 – 3 November, 2020 $800 USD
Students: Registered as a full-time student on 31 October, 2020 $300 USD
Older Adults: 65 years or older on 31 October, 2020 $300 USD
Submit an Abstract
The International Federation on Ageing (IFA) invites abstract submissions for symposiums, workshops, papers and poster presentations under each of the four themes:
Addressing Inequalities: Sub-Themes Identity, Inequality and Ageing
Migration and Displacement: Sub-Themes Poverty and Financial Insecurity
Age-Friendly Environments: Sub-Themes Age-friendly Cities and Communities (AFCC) Technology, Innovation and Ageing, Housing and Urban Planning
Combating Ageism: Sub-Themes Access to Health and Social Services, Access to Work and Reshaping Retirement, Social Exclusion, Elder Abuse and Loneliness
Enabling Functional Ability: Sub-Themes: Brain and Cognitive Health, Innovation in Long-Term Care, Maximizing senses
Abstract Submission Process
Please read the following guidelines before preparing your abstract and ensure all contact information is accurate while completing the registration process.
Abstracts will be reviewed on a rolling basis, ending on 30 June, 2020. To submit an abstract, you must first register for the 15th Global Conference. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with a link to the EventsAIR Presentation Portal, where an abstract can be submitted for review.
o be included in the conference program, all presenters must pay their registration fees in full before the presentation is placed in the program. The final date for payments is 1 August, 2020, after which time there is no guarantee the abstract will be included in the program.
All abstracts must be prepared according to the submission guidelines.
Please download and use the abstract template forms provided below.
Save the form as a new file with the primary presenters last name, first name and proceed to submit.
More: ifa: Link
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