The meeting will be hosted on Zoom and streamed online on the Facebook pages of EAST, LevFem and Transnational Social Strike.We are the women who are doing essential work and yet we find ourselves in miserable conditions: our work is underpaid and undervalued; we are overworked or jobless; we are forced to live in overcrowded places and to constantly renew our residence permits.
Our work is essential, at home and in the workplaces, and yet degraded. We face a daily struggle against male violence, at home and in our workplaces. We are fed up with these violent and exploitative conditions and refuse to remain silent! We started organizing together in a network that connects struggling women, migrants and workers in Central, Eastern and Western Europe: this is Essential Autonomous Struggles Transnational (E.A.S.T.).
On the 8th of March we call all who struggle against capitalist, patriarchal and racist violence to strike.On the 8th of March we strike against the exploitation of our productive and reproductive labor. We refuse to be considered essential only to be exploited and oppressed! We build on the experiences of the global women’s strike, the Polish women’s strike and the feminist struggles in Argentina for the right to abortion as well as the protests and strikes of nurses, care workers, logistic and seasonal workers during the pandemic. With our essential feminist strike we want to join our forces across borders and to turn our essential status into a sign of transnational power!
We call all women, the workers and the jobless, migrants, LGBTQI+ people and all who share our vision to join us for a public assembly on the 21st of February at 5 pm (GMT+1) where we will discuss the horizons of our essential strike on the occasion of International Women’s Day on the 8th of March.Further instructions on how to participate will be posted here soon. Stay tuned!
Read here the full text of our Essential Strike Manifesto for the 8th of March:
online-Treffen englisch und französisch unter: Link
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