Foto: H.S.
USA - 20.03.2023
Wie der Guardian schreibt, handelt es sich bei der Bohrung des ConocoPhillips-Projekt mit dem Namen "Willow" in Nordalaska, in einer weitgehend unberührten Wildnis, um eines der größten Projekte in den USA zur Förderung fossiler Brennstoffe seit Jahrzehnten.
Die "Kohlenstoffbombe"von 600 Millionen Barrel entspricht in etwa der Menge der Treibhausgasemissionen die Spanien pro Jahr ausstößt.
... The Guardian unter:
Bidens Approval of Alaska Oil Project Shows Inconsistency of Our ...
This sort of “rhetorical dualism [is] a call for `one last fossil bender before America goes green and sober,`” according to a note by analysts ...
Bidens approval of Willow project shows inconsistency of US`s first ...
Biden may have promised `o more drilling on federal lands, ... [is] a call for one last fossil bender before America goes green and ...
The ConocoPhillips Willow project will be one of the largest of its kind on US soil, involving drilling for oil and gas at three sites for ...
If approved in full, the Willow project would mean the construction of 219 wells and hundreds of miles of pipelines.
This week he approved the massive Willow project. ... and rejecting it would have been a break with convention, but convention dooms us, ...
Ex-vice-president says new projects `are a recipe for climate chaos`ahead of Biden administration`s decision on Willow development.
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