The RC52 Interim Meeting 2024 is a three-day conference, beginning on Monday, June 24th and ending on Wednesday, June 26th. A draft program is now available in different formats.
Over the last decade, numerous global challenges have emerged. From financial crises, unemployment, rising precarity, and retrenchment of public funding, through the COVID-19 pandemic and workplace changes including digitalization, to wars and violence, professionals have had to navigate turbulence. Nonetheless, professionals continue to play a critical role in interpreting change and defining and applying norms and rules, thereby giving meaning to social life. In the context of change, however, professionals experience profound alterations in their careers, roles, and tasks, which require them to reshape their own professional identities. On a global scale, processes of differentiation associated with growing inequalities can be observed across professions.
The 2024 Interim Meeting aims to address these critical issues from a range of theoretical and analytical perspectives, with the ultimate goal of furthering the debate on professions and professional groups.
The conference will take place at Sapienza University of Rome.
Local organizer
Hosted by Sapienza University of Rome, the conference is organized by Andrea Bellini, Senior Lecturer of Sociology of Economic and Labor Processes at the Department of Social and Economic Sciences (DiSSE).
The Research Committee
RC52 Sociology of Professional Groups is a research committee of the International Sociological Association (ISA). Its main aims are to establish contacts and encourage cooperation among scholars, and to promote the exchange of research findings in the field of sociology of occupational and professional groups throughout the world.
For further information and all official statements, please, visit the ISA RC52 website and the ISA RC52 blog, and do not forget to register your e-mail address on the blog to receive the ISA RC52 newsletter and receive notifications of new posts via e-mail.
List of Sessions
Click on the session title to open the description page
S2. Professions in times of artificial intelligence
S3. Professions, governance, and the state
S4. Professions in crisis: prospects for reenchantment
S5. Professions and collectives in times of turbulence
S6. Professionals and technologies
S8. Professionalism in care professions: still a gender issue?
S9. Transnational professionals: mobility, status, identity
S11. Health professions in a turbulent era: challenges and future perspectives
S12. Professions and professionalism from a gendered perspective
S13. Rethinking professionalism to manage risk and uncertainty towards sustainable futures
S14. Towards a platformized professionalism?
S15. Open session
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