Australien - 09.10.2024 - von
Are you often treated impatiently by other people? It may constitute elder abuse, and you do not have to accept it.
How is impatience a form of elder abuse?
Am I experiencing elder abuse?
Recognising impatience
What can you do about impatient treatment?
The damaging effects of impatience
Elder abuse comes in many forms, some being more obvious and others more subtle and therefore easier to miss. One subtle form of elder abuse – which may surprise you – is impatience towards an older person.
Being on the receiving end of impatience is never pleasant for anyone. However, it can become harmful to the point of abusive when it affects how others perceive you and how you see yourself.
If you are older and you experience impatient treatment from someone else, it can be very upsetting and even affect your ability to function in the community. People who are more isolated or have lower self-esteem can be more vulnerable to other kinds of elder abuse.
How is impatience a form of elder abuse?
Patience is the ability to wait, or to continue doing something despite difficulties, or to suffer without complaining or becoming annoyed. We can all struggle with being patient at times. It might be something you have even noticed about how you react to other people. So how can impatience be abusive?
Elder abuse is a term used to describe abusive behaviour towards, or a lack of care that results in harm or distress to, an older person. Elder abuse doesn’t only occur between family members or informal carers – it can also take place in other kinds of relationships, such as with friends, neighbours or professional staff.
The National Elder Abuse Prevalence Study found that 1 in 6 older Australians (or 15%) reported experiencing abuse in the previous 12 months. This abuse may be psychological, financial, physical or sexual abuse or neglect.
Impatience falls under the psychological abuse category, which is the most prevalent form of elder abuse (12% of reported cases, according to the National Elder Abuse Prevalence Study). Psychological abuse can involve behaviour that makes you feel scared, intimidated or alone, and it can affect your self-esteem and confidence. Examples include bullying, name calling, pressuring, belittling – and being impatient.
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