USA - 13.06.2008
Licensed Physicians in the USA: 788,711 in total. Many popular specialties like Emergency Medicine, Plastic Surgery, OBGYN, Oncology, Pediatrics and more. Can easily be sorted by 16 different fields
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American Pharmaceutical Company Database: Personal email addresses (47,000 in total) and names for top level executives.
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Database of US Dentists
597,000 dentists and dental services ( a $350 value!)
US Chiropractor Listing
100k Chiropractors offices with full contact data including email, postal address, phone and fax
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Weitere Artikel, nach dem Datum ihres Erscheinens geordnet, zum Thema
09.06.2008: Ö: Acht Fälle von Altersdiskriminierung
04.06.2008: Rentendiskriminierungen in Österreich
04.06.2008: non-discrimination: Calls for tender
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