WIPO praktiziert Altersdiskriminierung
03.03.2009 - von Hanne Schweitzer
Eiskalte Altersdiskriminierung betreibt die "World Intellectual Property Organization" (WIPO), mit Sitz in Genf. Das ist eine internationale Organisation zur Förderung des Schutzes und der Nutzung geistigen Eigentums. Sie arbeitet unter dem Dach der Vereinten Nationen (UN).
Am 2.März 2009 veröffentlichte die WIPO auf ihrer englischsprachigen Webseite sieben Stellenangebote. Gesucht werden jeweils unter einer anderen vierstelligen Ausschreibungsnummern: Functional Analyst, Senior Analyst-Programmer, Legal Officer, Patent Classification Officer, Head, Assistant-Examiner (Korean) und Word Processing Operator.
Unter der Rubik "Qualifikations" findet sich unter JEDER Stellenausschreibung also siebenmal der Satz:
Age limit: Less than age 55 at the date on which the appointment takes effect.Das Age limt, also die Altersgrenzen wird unter jedem Stellenangebot, so erläutert: "Less than age 55 at the date on which the appointment takes effect".Age limit: Less than age 55 at the date on which the appointment takes effect.Age limit: Less than age 55 at the date on which the appointment takes effect.Age limit: Less than age 55 at the date on which the appointment takes effect.Age limit: Less than age 55 at the date on which the appointment takes effect.Age limit: Less than age 55 at the date on which the appointment takes effect.
Und als ob das noch nicht diskriminierend genug wäre, liest man ausserdem unter jedem Stellenangebot von WIPO den Satz: "Initial appointment is subject to a satisfactory medical examination."
Gesundheitsprüfungen vor der Einstellung eines neuen Arbeitnehmers verlangt übrigens auch bereits die EU. Nachzulesen in Artikel 33 der "Staff Regulations" von EPSO, dem "European Personnel Selection Office." Da heißt es: "Before appointment, a successful candidate shall be medically examined by one of the institution's medical officers in order that the institution may be satisfied that he fulfils the requirements of Article 28(e).
Where a negative medical opinion is given as a result of the medical examination provided for in the first paragraph, the candidate may, within 20 days of being notified of this opinion by the institution, request that his
case be submitted for the opinion of a medical committee composed of three doctors chosen by the appointing authority from among the institution's medical officers. The medical officer responsible for the initial negative opinion shall be heard by the medical committee. The candidate may refer the opinion of a doctor of his choice to the medical committee. Where the opinion of the medical committee confirms the conclusions of the medical examination provided for in the first paragraph, the candidate shall pay 50% of the fees and of the incidental costs."
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