Europäische Union - 11.09.2009 - von
Ageing - a renewed strategy to tackle Europe's demographic challenge: the Commission adopted on 29 April its. The Commission Communication takes an in-depth look at the economic and budgetary impact of an ageing population over the long-term until 2060. The Communication identifies as one of the key policy priorities the promotion of new services and products to serve ageing populations and encourages the introduction of technology in long-term care.
The accompanying Ageing Report was requested by EU finance ministers and was prepared jointly with the Economic Policy Committee. It presents expenditure projections for all Member States, covering
* pensions,
* health care,
* long-term care,
* education and
* unemployment transfers.
A statistical annex gives a country-by-country overview of the main assumptions and results.
Governments have a window of opportunity before the baby-boom generation retires to tackle the challenge. But the policy measures taken must be compatible with the need to support the economy at this juncture, as recommended in the December European Economic Recovery Plan. Ageing will already start affecting most EU economies in the coming decade.
Further reading:
* Communication COM(2009) 180. Dealing with the impact of an ageing population in the EU (2009 Ageing Report)
* The 2009 Ageing Report: Economic and budgetary projections for the EU-27 Member States (2008-2060)
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