Los Angeles Foto: H.S.
USA - 14.09.2009 - von Paul
We will be having a dinner meeting at the Mimis Cafe in Laguna Niguel this Wednesday September 16th 2009 at 6:15. Dinner is on me. The topics will be The California Partnership for Long-Term Care (CPLTC) and the pros & cons of reverse mortgages.
Nobody wants to become sick and suffer tremendous financial loss. Individual health, disability, and Medicare insurance do not pay for long-term care in your home. MediCal or Medicaid pays for this care but you have to be broke before that will happen. You do not want to be broke because of this do you? None of the bills that the House or Senate or President have proposed will properly cover this. So you are on your own. It is a huge gap in everyones insurance plans and one that has the potential to cost you or a parent a lot of money. I will provide you the information so that you can be financially prepared if a long-term care need occurs for you or a parent. Simply put, the CPLTC is designed to provide you or a parent an affordable way to deal with catastrophic health care costs in the event of a long term care need.
Many people are suffering financially due to the big hit the stock market drop has taken to their portfolios. A reverse mortgage for the right person/couple can unlock the equity in your home and provide a safe source of retirement income. Money received from a reverse mortgage is tax-free. Some people think the fees are high. They are. But there are valuable protections paid for by the fees. Come learn the truth about reverse mortgages from Dan Ashbrook and decide for yourself whether this may be a fit for you or a parent in the future.
Your only risk is your time. To RSVP, please respond to the email paulwpendorf@cox.net. or call me at (949) 489-2380.
Paul W. Pendorf
CA 92677
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