29.11.2010 - von veritas-project.eu
1st Pan-European VERITAS (FP7) Workshop and User Forum will take place from 29 November 2010 to 30 November 2010 in Prague. Ensuring that all products developed in the car, home, work, healthcare and entertainment industry are accessible and designed for all, lies at the core of the Virtual and Augmented Environments and Realistic User Interactions To achieve Embedded Accessibility DesignS (VERITAS) project (FP7).
Through the development of virtual user models that can be inserted in simulation environments, any design elements that cause barriers for the beneficiaries (people with disabilities and older people) can be detected at the very beginning, thus allowing the designers to improve their initial design and make it inclusive.
The User Forum aims to bring together, on the one hand the developers and designers, and on the other hand, the beneficiaries of the developed products and services.
The Workshop aims to gain momentum among all affected stakeholders from the aforementioned industries, while offering equally a stage for all involved designers and beneficiaries to discuss their needs with the industry.
These events will also introduce already developed virtual user models, and demonstrate a first working prototype.
The preliminary agenda of the User Forum and Workshop from [b]29 November 2010 to 30 November 2010 can be found on the event website (Link).
Registration for the event is open and is available online (Link).
We hope to welcome you there!
VERITAS project team
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