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Boston: German Conference at Harvard

18.02.2011 - von germanconference

In der Harvard Universität findet von Freitag, 18.2. bis Sa. 19.2.2011, die »German Conference at Harvard« statt. Panel 1 hat die Themen: »Changing identities in times of crisis: What unites us as a country, what unites us as citizens of the world? Amidst an international economic crisis, the fear of terror and the perceived uncertainty about the future, liberal western societies seem to be facing an identity crisis. How will they react to this blurring of values and ideals that this entails? Is ethnocentric nationalism once again going to offer the security of giving a well-defined identity, or do the citizens reach out to seek for new and variable kinds of identity?

Participants: • Warren Getler (Moderator), Director of the Trans-Atlantic Relations Project at the Bertelsmann Foundation Washington, DC; • Mathias Risse, Professor of Philosophy and Public Policy at the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy (Harvard Kennedy School); Godelieve Quisthoudt-Rowohl , Member of the European Parliament and the European People's Party; • Jutta Ditfurth; German social scientist and publicist; • Bilal Kaleem, Executive Director of the Muslim American Society of Boston, tbc; • Keli Carender, political blogger and Tea Party protest activist, tbc. – The conference language is English. – More information & registration: Link

Link: Kalifornische
Quelle: Mail an die Redaktion