Kanada - 29.08.2011
An ambitious partnership involving the Ontario government, postsecondary sector and Schlegel Villages will develop a centre of excellence for research, training and innovation in senior health care and wellness at the University of Waterloo. The goal is to help Canada better prepare for an aging population.
The development on Waterloo's north campus will be built in three phases, starting with a 192-bed Long Term Care home owned and managed by the Schlegel Villages. It will include a specialized building where faculty, staff and students from the University of Waterloo, Conestoga College and the Schlegel-UW Research Institute for Aging (RIA) will work and learn with residents and staff from the adjacent LTC home.
Two later phases will develop assisted living and independent living for seniors as well as primary care health centre to create a full continuum of care. Total construction costs will be about $130 Million.
Read More http://www.the-ria.ca/news/
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