Großbritannien - 03.12.2011 - von FTA
More than 5.7 million people over the age of 65 in GB have never been online. Internet access could play a key role in successful ageing building links across generations and geographies. Everybody (!) has something to gain from getting older people online:
Benefits for older people:
Breaking down mobility barriers: with online shopping, communication, travel-booking, banking, bill-payment and even vote.
Cost savings: the average UK household saves £560 per year by shopping and paying bills online (???).
Wellbeing: closer (???) and more regular contact with friends and family leading to decreased feelings of isolation and loneliness (???). Furthermore, with internet, older people are better able to keep up with hobbies, interests and local volunteering opportunities.
Independence: lifelong learning opportunities through a better access to knowledge allowing a broadening of your perspectives and choices and therefore a better management of your personal life (???).
Benefits for others:
Government: opportunity to radically overhaul health and social care services for all (!).
British business can reap extra revenues from more online consumers - an estimated £610 million per year from broadband and £1.6 billion from hardware sales alone.
In this perspective, Adopt a Care Home Project was imagined by Lilla Harris, a former nurse and care home manager who wanted to do more to help residents go online. She had the idea to get young people involved in the process, encouraging them to dedicate some of their time to teach older persons how to use the internet. This way they can share messages, pictures and memories with family and friends, preventing them from becoming isolated as the world moves online.
"Race Online", the Martha Lane Fox-headed initiative that aims to get everyone in the UK to use the internet by 2012, was impressed by the intergenerational relationships this projects weaved. According to Race Online, around 62% of the 10.3 million people over-65 in the UK have never used the internet, however, change is possible. For instance since 2009 1.3 million people over 65 have gone online for the first time and they are also the fastest growing user group on Facebook, now with 678,500 users.
So far, almost 40 (!) Care Homes have been adopted and more than 100 are expected to have signed up by the end of the year.
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