Irland - 03.09.2012
Ageing Well Network - The New Agenda on Ageing. This report uniquely brings together, in an impartial presentation of the evidence, all the critical opportunities and challenges of an ageing population and explores the implications of them, using Irish and international research. It is the result of extensive research, as well as the collaborative effort and exchange of ideas by the members of the Ageing Well Network.
The report is effectively an encyclopaedia on ageing and provides an easily accessible reference point for anyone seeking to understand the implications of an ageing population for policy, service delivery and the financial sustainability of our pension and health systems in particular.
Professor David Bloom, Director of Harvard's university-wide Program on the Global Demography of Aging, and Chairman of the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on Ageing Society recently read the report and commented...
"The report will be a tremendous resource, because it distills and synthesizes findings from across the many disciplines that underpin the emerging field of ageing. It's truly a tour de force and will be a terrific resource for both aspiring specialists and established professionals throughout the world."
The AWN believes that there are three compelling reasons government's need to priorities ageing and develop a new approach to addressing these issues.
The quality of life of too many of our older people is poor. This report highlights the many ways in which this is the case, provides evidence of the extent and nature of those problems and explores ways in which they can be addressed.
The scale of the projected increase in the number of older people will require long-term planning to ensure that we have the systems, structures and supports that address the challenges of health, care and income security, while 'exploiting' fully the demographic dividend'.
People reaching the normal age of retirement are, in general, healthy and active. They have a life-time's wisdom and experience and seek a life of purpose, balanced with leisure, social connections and contribution to the lives of their communities.
The New Agenda on Ageing Report and the two keynote presentations from the conference are now available online by clicking here: Link
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