As part of the IFA 13th Global Conference on Ageing, the IFA and COTA Queensland, in collaboration with the WHO, are pleased to announce the inclusion of a specific track on Age-friendly Cities and Communities. This will be the global opportunity in 2015 - 2016 to share policy, program and practices with colleagues from across the globe and to help build a sustainable knowledge mobilization network.
The Program Committee invites authors to submit abstracts for oral, poster, symposium and workshop presentations for the IFA 13th Global Conference on Ageing, Disasters in an Ageing World: Readiness, Resilience and Recovery.
The building blocks of this conference include accurate and insightful risk reduction, readiness to provide effective responses in diverse environmental and population situations, with dedicated time and resources toward a journey of full recovery. Together the building blocks give rise to individual and community resilience – sometimes against all odds, yet reflecting the power of the human spirit. This global conference provides a vibrant opportunity for stakeholders including content experts, decision and policy makers, service providers and practitioners, consumers, advocates, and academics to come together to present and debate on age related issues, policies and practices as it is related to disasters and older people more generally.
Abstracts submitted should correspond with one or more of the thematic tracks below:
Individual, family and social relationships [including with animals] and community mobilisation – Factors in resiliency, preparedness and response;
Age friendly, urban and regional planning, housing design and the built environment – Maximising prevention, response, and recovery/reconstruction, resettlement and reconstruction;
Business and services continuity – Continuing service delivery/care during disasters;
Communication, technology & innovation – Enablers for the aged care and entire emergency management continuum;
Integrated health and social service delivery – Public Health & medical/nursing management and social services in response and recovery/rehabilitation;
Protecting vulnerable groups and financial security – Economic factors including restoring livelihoods, poverty, financial and social security and insurance;
Other ageing and related issues.
Note this Conference is not only about disasters in an ageing world. We welcome papers on the broad range of age related issues.
Abstract submission starts on 16 February 2015 and can be submitted at any time before the deadline of 5 November 2015 to ensure publication requirements are met. Abstracts will be reviewed on a rolling basis with a notification issued within approximately 3 weeks after submission. Please read the following guidelines carefully before preparing your abstract. Acceptance of papers for presentation at the Conference will be on the basis of reviewed abstracts. All abstracts must be prepared as per the guidelines provided below. Incomplete or incorrect submissions will be returned to the author and must be resubmitted correctly by the deadline to be considered for presentation. Authors who submit and have more than one abstract accepted, must prioritise each in the event that all cannot be accommodated in the concurrent program.
Call for abstracts at Link
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