USA - 18.05.2005 - von A.N.S.W.E.R. LA
In Kalifornien, und nicht nur da, wächst der Widerstand gegen die bürgerfeindliche und asoziale Politik der Bush-Regierung. Hier ein englischsprachiger Aufruf aus Los Angeles.
Unite to Defeat the Bush Program!Saturday, May 21. 12 noon
Pershing Square - Los Angeles
532 S Olive Street, downtown L.A. Metro Red Line subway stop
The time to unite in common struggle is now! The US continues to spend billions on war and occupation while pursuing aggressive cuts in badly needed social programs here at home. At the heart of the Bush Administration’s calculations is their plan to complete a massive transfer of wealth from the bottom of society to the top. Bush’s drive to privatize Social Security, even if only partially successful, will lead to a roll back of the entire social net.
War and occupation are built into the Bush Program. This year alone the Bush Administration and the Pentagon will spend over $600 Billion to further the aims of US corporate dominance. They plan to maintain the brutal occupations of Iraq, Palestine, Haiti & Afghanistan. They are also preparing to take action against any country that pursues a course independent of US Empire. The Bush Administration is threatening Venezuela, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, the people of the Philippines, Colombia and many other countries. On May 21 we will demand: “Stop the US war machine,” “US out” and “Full self-determination for all people.”
The march of the Pentagon and the huge transfer of wealth will continue to have deep and disastrous effects on working people. People from the poorest communities, especially in African-American and Latino communities, which are already under attack by racist institutions and police forces, will be the hardest hit. Let’s fight back! A united people’s movement that is grounded in all struggles for justice can defeat the Bush Program.
Now the Bush Administration and Congress – Governor Schwarzenegger here in California too – have greatly escalated their racist attacks on immigrants. This is a clear strategy of trying to divide working people who are natural allies in the struggle against the current march of the corporate elite and right-wing forces in this country. Unions, women’s and LGBT people’s rights are also under attack.
The people to blame for war, racism, poverty, lack of healthcare and education and more are in the White House and on Wall Street. On May 21, we will stand united against the attack on immigrants and demand: Legalization Now! Drivers Licenses Now! Full Rights for All Immigrants! Stop the Fascist Attacks on Immigrants!
Bring your tables and booths to the event. Get your organization’s message out. Organizations and individuals can pre-register a community or progressive booth or table by calling ANSWER at 323-464-1636.
Donate to the campaign to defeat the Bush Program. Help with the many costs of the May 21 mobilization. You can donate here or by credit card over the phone at 323-464-1636. Or send a check to 1800 Argyle Ave. #410, Los Angeles, CA 90028. Tax-deductible checks of $50 or more should be made out to ANSWER/Progress Unity Fund.
Initiated by ANSWER-LA: Alliance for a Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines, Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee-LA/OC, Free Palestine Alliance, Gabriela Network, MINDULLAE, National Lawyers Guild, Palestinian-American Women’s Association, Latino Movement USA, Party for Socialism and Liberation.
Endorsed by: Alliance of Hondurans-LA, ANSWER-Ventura County, Café Intifada, California Alliance for Retired Americans (CARA), CISPES-LA, Coalition for Equal Marriage Rights, CSU Long Beach Campus Progressives, Ernesto Arce (Host of Uproot on KSPC Radio), Families to Amend California's Three Strikes, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Frente Unido de los Pueblos Americanos (FUPA), Global Women's Strike, Grassroots CA-OH-FL, Hermandad Mexicana Nacional, KmB Pro-People Youth, Korean Immigrant Workers Advocate, LA Palestine Labor Solidarity Committee, Long Beach Area Peace Network, Louis Duran (Chair of SEIU 660 Seniors Association), Najee Ali (Project Islamic HOPE), National Committee to Free the Cuban Five, Office of the Americas, One Korea LA Forum, Oxy Conscious (Occidental College), Progressive Alliance (Santa Monica College), Rev. Byrd (KRST Unity Center of African Spirituality), Riverside Area Peace & Justice Action, San Fernando Valley Alliance for Democracy, Santa Monica College Cuba Coalition, SEIU Local 660 Seniors Association, South Asian Network, Southern California Peace & Freedom Party, Sunset Hall Retirement Home, Topanga Peace Alliance
Stop the War in Iraq-Defend Social Security!
US hands off Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, the Philippines, Colombia & Everywhere!
Stop the Budget Cuts to Health Care, Education, Housing, Welfare and All People’s Needs!
Full Rights for All Immigrants!
End Colonial Occupation-Palestine, Haiti, Afghanistan & Everywhere!
Bring the Troops Home Now!
Stop Schwarzenegger!
Stop Police Brutality!
No to Racism, Sexism & Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Trans Oppression!
Endorse the call to action to Defeat the Bush Program!
Social Security factsheet
English, Spanish, Tagalog
Music, Cultural Performances, Speakers, Food, Art, Booths
Open Microphone & More!
Huge piñatas of Bush & Schwarzenegger – 60 Ft. anti-war banner
Media sponsor: KPFK 90.7
More Information: 001-323-464-1636
A.N.S.W.E.R. picnic
Sun. July 24th
Food, fun, entertainment! Save this date. Details coming soon.
Internships Against War and Racism
Be an intern with A.N.S.W.E.R. Los Angeles. Learn valuable organizing skills interning with us. Be a part of building the movement to stop the war and end colonial occupation in Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan, Haiti, and everywhere. Join the struggle for social justice in our communities and all over the world.
"Hands off Social Security" - Public Meeting
Thursday, June 9, 6:30 pm
Riverside Public Library, Second Floor Auditorium
3581 Mission Inn Ave, Riverside
Co-sponsored by Riverside Area Peace & Justice Action & A.N.S.W.E.R. - LA
Call 323-464-1636 for more information.
A.N.S.W.E.R. Ventura County monthly vigil
First Friday of every month, 5 pm
Ventura County Govt. Center
(corner of Victoria Avenue and Telephone Road)
This vigil to protest the occupation of Iraq and other U.S. policies of greed and
destruction happens on the first Friday of every month at 5:00 pm at the Ventura County Govt Center, facing twelve lanes of rush hour traffic.
Weitere Artikel, nach dem Datum ihres Erscheinens geordnet, zum Thema
14.05.2005: Altersdiskriminierung bei EU-Umfrage
06.05.2005: Keine EU-Regelung zur Sterbehilfe
29.04.2005: Germany has failed to implement EU - law
Alle Artikel zum Thema