First call from City Plaza Athens:
„Stop Europe Funding Slavery in Libya: Stop Wars on Migrants. In Libya, everyday migrants are imprisoned in private detention centres, tortured and sold as slaves. They suffer extreme exploitation and violence. Europe is funding the expansion of these detention centres. Meanwhile by implementing the Malta agreement, Europe is training and technically supplying the Libyan “coastguard” to carry out illegal refoulements that they call “rescue operations”.
- We stand up against the criminal regime of Fortress-Europe.
- We demand the immediate cessation of the funding of the Libyan torturers.
- End slavery and detention in Libya.
- Free passage, healthcare and protection to all the victims of torture and trafficking.
Common Day of Action on the 18th of December, International Day of Migrants“
Mehr hier: Link
Zentrales Mittelmeer, aktuelle Entwicklungen
zu den aktuellen Entwicklungen zwischen Libyen und Sizilien folgende Links und Lesehinweise:
Alarm Phone, siehe Six-Weeks Reports hier: Link
Sea Watch 3 im ersten Einsatz
SOS Mediterrannee
Guter aktueller Bericht von Amnesty International
„Libya: European governments complicit in horrific abuse of refugees and migrants
European governments have not just been fully aware of these abuses they are complicit in them… Footage, pictures and documents reviewed by Amnesty International indicate that a boat donated by Italy in April 2017, the Ras Jadir, was used by the Libyan Coast Guard during a horrific incident on 6 November 2017, where their reckless actions contributed to the drowning of up to 50 people. …“
Weitere Artikel, nach dem Datum ihres Erscheinens geordnet, zum Thema
23.01.2025: Köln: Protest gegen den Soldatengottesdienst auf der Domplatte
23.01.2025: Online: Metallvernetzung
25.01.2025: Köln: Köln stellt sich quer
Alle Artikel zum Thema
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