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WHO: Global age-friendly cities: a guide

Vereinte Nationen - 16.05.2008

The purpose of this WHO guide is to engage cities to become more age-friendly so as to tap the potential that older people represent for humanity. It describes the converging trends of rapid growth of the population over 60 years of age and of urbanization, outlines the challenge facing cities, and summarizes the research process that led to identifying the core features of an age-friendly city.

Author: WHO
Publication date: 2007
Number of pages: 82
ISBN: 9789241547307

Download the publication in English [pdf 1.5Mb]Link

Table of Contents

Part 1. Global ageing and urbanization: meeting the challenge of

humanity’s success
Part 2. Active ageing: a framework for age-friendly cities

Part 3. How the Guide was developed

Part 4. How to use the Guide

Part 5. Outdoor spaces and buildings

Part 6. Transportation

Part 7. Housing

Part 8. Social participation

Part 9. Respect and social inclusion

Part 10. Civic participation and employment

Part 11. Communication and information

Part 12. Community support and health services

Part 13. Wrapping up and moving forward


Quelle: WHO

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