Foto: H.S.
09.07.2018 - von N. v. d. L.
Jenseits der 35 sein und studieren - an deutschen Universitäten ist das kein Zuckerschlecken. Keine Zugansberechtigung zur studentischen Krankenversicherung, zum Studentenwohnheim, zum Bafög, zu Stipendien. So sieht sie aus - die bildungsfeindliche Realität in einem Land, dessen PolitkerInnen gerne und oft das lebenslange Lernen propagieren.
Es geht auch anders als in Deutschland!.
"As the last person to graduate from yesterday’s morning ceremony, the 49-year-old received the biggest cheer of the proceedings when she accepted her degree certificate at Elphinstone Hall."
"Mature students can apply for the adult upgrading grant (AUG), and depending on their income, or how many dependents they have, they’re eligible for more funding that can go toward books, bus passes, even school supplies."
"Mature students: never too old to learn. Mature students are fanatical, exceptionally motivated and know exactly what they are aiming for. Who are these older students and what are they hoping to find in the lecture halls at their age? Resource looked some of them up."
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