Foto: H.S.
Europäische Union - 07.04.2022 - von AGE
Age equality: joint EU and UN discussions address need for a life course and intergenerational approach in EU policies
On 29 March, AGE cohosted a working meeting on Equality for all Ages in the EU with the UN Human Rights Regional Office (OHCHR) for Europe, the European Youth Forum and the World Health Organization (WHO).
This meeting brought together representatives of several EU actors including the European Commission, the EU Fundamental Rights Agency, Equinet and the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI). The objective of this meeting was to raise awareness and visibility of ageism at the European level and discuss potential ways to address it both using the existing framework of the EU but also through potential new initiatives.
Key issues surrounding this meeting included:
Ageism as an inconsistently addressed issue in the EU policy framework
How intergenerational dialogue and solidarity can be used as a strategy to address ageism
The need for a life course approach to combatting ageism in all policies and how to consistently address ageism in all areas of life and in all policy areas.
The co-organisers will produce a short outcome document that will be shared with participants and other interested parties.
For more information, please contact Nena Georgantzi: nena.georgantzi
Read also our publication Towards an EU Age Equality Strategy: Delivering equal rights at all ages
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