UN: Ministerial Conference on Ageing in Berlin
Vereinte Nationen - 11.09.2002 - von UN
Berlin, Germany, 11-13 September 2002 from 2 p.m. on Wednesday, 11 September to 12 noon on Friday, 13. September 2002
1.Opening of the Conference 2.Election of Officers3.Adoption of the Rules of Procedure4. Adoption of the agenda5. Introductory addresses6. Ministerial panels7. General debate8. Presentation of the NGO Declaration9. Presentation and adoption of the Regional Implementation Strategy10. Presentation and adoption of the Berlin Ministerial Declaration[/*]
11. Adoption of the report of the Conference12. Closing of the Conference
1. Opening of the Conference
The UNECE Ministerial Conference on Ageing will be opened by the Executive Secretary of UNECE on Wednesday, 11 September 2002.
2. Election of Officers
Rule 10 of the Provisional Rules of Procedure (ECE/AC.23/2002/8/Rev.1) provides that the Conference shall elect the following officers: a Chairperson, three Vice-Chairpersons, a Chairperson of the Drafting Group and a Rapporteur, to be chosen among the representatives of participating States. In accordance with standard practice, the Chairperson of the Conference will be from the host country. Rule 44 provides that all elections shall be held by secret ballot, unless the Conference decides otherwise.
3. Adoption of the Rules of Procedure: The Provisional Rules of Procedure were approved by the Commission at its Ad Hoc Informal Meeting of 20 June 2002, during a formal segment, as orally revised. Those rules are contained in document ECE/AC.23/2002/8/Rev.1. 4. Adoption of the Agenda
The provisional agenda set out in the present document was previously communicated to the Open-ended Working Group in July 2002.5. Introductory Addresses: Under this agenda item, the Conference will be addressed by the German Federal Minister of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, the UNECE Executive Secretary, and the Spanish Minister for Labour and Social Affairs.6. Ministerial Panels Debate under this item will address inter alia such themes as “Demographic change and the labour market: What are the challenges we are facing?”, “Demographic change–opportunities and limitations of intergenerational solidarity”, as well as the main policy challenges in the implementation of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing 2002 and the Regional Implementation Strategy.7. General Debate
This segment will be opened by the Federal President of Germany. Following his statement, the Conference will hear the statements of the Heads of Delegations, limited to five minutes. Executive Heads of intergovernmental organizations may also make statements, limited to five minutes. Given the restricted availability of time, representatives of a limited number of accredited non-governmental organizations may also make statements in accordance with the Rules of Procedure. Participants are encouraged to respect these limits and to make focused comments on inter alia the substantive issues raised during the panel discussions. Longer written statements can be circulated at the meeting.8. Presentation of the NGO Declaration Representatives of NGOs active in the field of ageing from different UNECE member States met in Frankfurt/Main, Germany, from 27 to 29 May 2002, to consider and provide inputs into the UNECE Ministerial Conference on Ageing. Under this agenda item, a Declaration prepared further to that meeting will be presented to the Conference.9. Presentation and adoption of the Regional Implementation Strategy
The Second World Assembly on Ageing adopted the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing 2002 and a Political Declaration, which provide a blueprint for all relevant actors to respond to the opportunities and challenges of population ageing in the 21st century and the promotion of the concept of a “society for all ages”.
The success of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing 2002 depends on the regional, national and local implementation. As the issues and challenges associated with ageing transcend national boundaries, they call for common approaches and the development of coordinated and integrated policies. In this respect, the regional dimension of policy becomes of central importance, as it is at the regional level that the best conditions exist for comparing and integrating national efforts, and sharing experiences.
The Regional Implementation Strategy responds to the call in the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing 2002 for regional action, and aims to provide a basis for coordinated policy action throughout the UNECE region. It is based on the fundamental principles that underlie the Madrid Plan. Under this item, the draft Regional Implementation Strategy, as negotiated by member States, will be presented to the Conference for adoption.10. Presentation and adoption of the Berlin Ministerial Declaration
The Open-ended Working Group for the Ministerial Conference on Ageing has negotiated a Declaration, which commits the Governments of UNECE member States to a visionary strategy to implement the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing 2002 in the region. Under this item, the Declaration, as negotiated by member States, will be presented to the Conference for adoption.11. Adoption of the report of the Conference 12. Closing of the Conference
Wednesday, 11 September
2 p.m. to 6 p.m.:
Ø Opening of the Conference
Ø Election of Officers
Ø Adoption of the Rules of Procedure Ø Adoption of the agenda
Ø Introductory addresses
Ø Ministerial panels
7.30 p.m.: Ø Reception hosted by the German Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.
Thursday, 12 September
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Ø Ministerial panels (continued) Ø General debate
3 p.m. to 6 p.m.: Ø General debate (continued)
8 p.m.: Ø Reception hosted by the President of the Bundestrat and the Governing Mayor of Berlin
Friday, 13 September
9 a.m. to 12 noon: Ø Presentation of the NGO Declaration Ø Presentation and adoption of the Regional Implementation Strategy Ø Presentation and adoption of the Berlin Ministerial Declaration
Ø Adoption of the report of the Conference Ø Closing of the ConferenceLink: