Europäische Union - 12.10.2009 - von empirica
The Ministry for Intergenerational affairs, Family, Women and Integration in North Rhine-Westphalia is organising a workshop: "Steps towards Equal Opportunities - Active Ageing of Migrant Elders across Europe"
The worcshop ist part of the AAMEE project.
13 October 2009 from 10:00 - 16:30 h in the North Rhine-Westphalia representation in Brussles.
This workshop builds part of a series of EC events on innovative projects in Europe on the topic of demographic change. The focus of the discussion will be on equal opportunities issues for the improvement of quality of life. The discussion panel will be build by representatives from the Spanish and Belgian EU Presidency, the European Parliament, two DGs (DG EAC and DG JLS) and deal with the cornerstones for action regarding this topic.
Contact: Dr. Claus Eppe, Ministry for Intergenerational affairs, Family, Women and Integration in North Rhine-Westphalia:
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